Steps for Creating an AMP Email


An AMP Email is used in email marketing to create and send interactive emails.
The email templates built with AMP emails have interactive widgets like forms, carousels, and other things in email.


Familiarity with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Access to an email service provider (ESP) that supports AMP

AMP for Email registration and approval

Setting up the development environment

Installing required tools and libraries

Configuring the email service provider (ESP)

Creating the AMP email structure

Defining the AMP email MIME parts

Adding the required AMP components

Implementing the email's HTML structure

Designing the interactive email

Styling the email with CSS

Adding AMP components for interactivity

  • - amp-form

  • - amp-bind

  • - amp-carousel

  • - amp-selector

Ensuring email responsiveness

Adding dynamic content

Fetching data using amp-list

Implementing amp-mustache templates

Updating content with amp-state

Validating the AMP email

Using the AMP validator tool

Identifying and fixing validation errors

Testing the interactive email

Sending a test email to supported clients

Verifying interactivity and responsiveness

Deploying the interactive email

Integrating with the email service provider (ESP)

Sending the AMP email to subscribers